Each year we look forward to our tech community for the immense contributions, disruptive technologies (link to another blog), and innovation. Technology in itself is a very broad term; it can be tools, products, concepts, frameworks. I have rounded up the top 10 frameworks across various domains that a developer/project manager/leader should be aware of:


It is a web-based framework based on React and GraphQL used to build websites. It has its own syntax (sort of) which works with HTML, CSS and JS. It is said to build “static websites” with ease. It follows the JAMstack architecture; a combination of Javascript, APIs and Markup. You build a website using Gatsby with something called “Gatsby blocks”. Using JSX (“Html-within-JS”) you write HTML code, create small components or re-usable code and include them as you go. Check it out, I think it’ll shape the future on how we build websites.


It’s an open-source data query, manipulation language for consuming APIs. Introduced by Facebook, it was first used in their internal team later in 2015, they released it to the public.

It’s like a query language for web services. Although it’s been around for a while, its popularity increased when big companies like Airbnb, Twitter started adopting it.

The reason why I am mentioning it now because I feel it’ll change the way we write web services and consume them. For example, in GraphQL you specify schemas, which is essentially documentation for the backend and the frontend. This is where the power lies. Your frontend is completely in sync with the backend.

There are many tutorials to learn it for example here.


Another React-based framework similar to Gatsby with a lot of gaining popularity. You can read the comparison between the two here

It lets you build server-side rendering and static web applications using React. Unlike Gatsby, it has no GraphQL component

Apache Airflow

It is a python based workflow automation and data processing library framework. It creates a Direct Acyclic Graph to perform these tasks in parallel and then finally join them together.

This is a great substitute for backend jobs where you’re forced to run cron jobs which run large scripts and trying to keep track of them.

This has a dashboard included where you can monitor your tasks, view logs, the output, retries etc. It thinks it is a good addition for the server admin.

Apache Spark™

Categorized under the “Big Data” tools, it is an engine for fast and efficient processing of large data sets. It is directly compatible with Apache Hadoop.

You can write applications in Python, Java or Scala.

It is said to perform much better than Hadoop MapReduce; at least 100x faster.


Like React Native, Flutter is a UI framework by Google where you can build applications which work on Android, iOS and Desktop.

It has been gaining popularity in recent years. Since it’s by Google, you get direct access to Material Design.

It’s on active development, so updates are regular and more and more features are coming out. So if you’re looking for a promising hybrid platform, explore Flutter.